European Maritime Day 2023
Brest, 24-25 May 2023
The 2023 edition of the European Maritime Day took place in Brest, France, between 24 nd 25 May 2023. It was organised by the European Commission, the City of Brest, the Secretariat General for the Sea and the Region of Bretagne. European Commission, the City of Brest, the Secretariat General for the Sea and the Region of Bretagne.
The Black Sea Universities Network team members participated at the event, as Exhibitors to the EMD 2023 and the Black Sea CONNECT Project, in which BSUN is leader for the Task 4.2- Black Sea Awareness & Outreach was widely presented. Partners from the project attended the EMD 2023 and in this way, the project had large visibility.
It was presented the state-of-the-art of the activities implemented under the Task 4.2 – Black Sea Awareness & Outreach and there were discussed possible collaborations for promoting Blue Economy through education. The interactive experience facilitated the exchange of best practices and possible collaboration pathways on a broad range of topics related to Blue Economy and the marine environment.
The event included also high-level sessions focusing on new approaches to a sustainable Blue Economy, maritime security and innovation in the Blue Economy. The EMD also featured thematic workshops, pitch sessions and a special session on fisheries.