The Visit of H.E. Mr. Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania at the premises of the Black Sea Universities Network - International Permanent Secretariat

On the 17th of August 2022, H.E. Mr. Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania, visited the premises of the Black Sea Universities Network - International Permanent Secretariat, with the occassion of his participation in the works of the International Workshop on: “The Cultural Dimension of the Ports from the Black Sea and Danube Region”.

The event is part of the cycle of activities aiming the formalization of the certification process of a European Cultural Route on "Port Cities from the Istro-Pontic Space”.

The International Workshop was attended by representatives of port administrations, business environment, experts and specialists from Research Institutes and Universities from Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

There were evaluated projects with cultural dimension developed with the participation of the Port Administration, scientific research, innovation and tourism activities in the Danube region and the western basin of the Black Sea.

There were also presented funding opportunities for projects aiming to highlight aspects of innovation and cooperation between different types of stakeholders in the Black Sea and Danube Region.

During his speech, President Emil Constantinescu presented the vision regarding the promotion of the Danube-Pontic area and the necessity of establishing a close cooperation framework between the academic environment, business community and administrative institutions.

During the visit to the premises of the International Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Universities Network, there were evaluated the collaboration projects between the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levantine Culture and Civilization Center and the universities from the Black Sea region, as well as the promotion of new projects under the frame of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).

President Emil Constantinescu inaugurated the Book of Honor of the International Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Universities Network.

For additional information, please contact:

BSUN – International Permanent Secretariat

Tel: (+40) 241 606462 or email: office[at]bsun[dot]org

Date 17.08.2022